Lord wants you to hear His words of truth and hope if fear and anxious thoughts are controlling you. He will take care of you in a way that you are unable to, and He is aware of the challenges you face.
The Lord desires that we exert our maximum effort, and He will take care of the remainder. When we achieve the attainable, God can do the seemingly impossible things. God can work wonders when we offer Him what we have. The Lord never wants us to do anything that we are incapable of doing.
Have you ever seen a wild deer trapped in barbed wire fencing? It will flail in terror only to find itself imprisoned tighter in the snare’s clutches. When rescuers arrive to free the deer, they must keep it still in order to release it and protect it from further harm. The Lord is holding you still and removing the barbs and snares that have you trapped. Do not be afraid, for He is with you and will set you free from the tangled snare that has you caught. He will cure your wounds and do what you are unable to achieve on your own!
God will not do something that is wrong. By wrong, I mean that He will not commit mistakes. He will also refuse to do anything that is not in your best interests or that of others. His plan for everyone includes love and good things. His goals are health, opulence, and achievement.
However, people have free will, and we utilize that energy to make mistakes and do things that are bad. We are the ones who cause problems, whether they are trivial, unintentional blunders, or purposely harsh, hateful, and hurtful actions.
God will not give you more than what you can manage.